Fast 3D map matching localisation algorithm
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Fast 3D map matching localisation algorithmJournal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2013Fast 3D Map Matching Localisation AlgorithmMiguel Pinto, A. Paulo Moreira, Aníbal Matos, Héber Sobreira, and Filipe SantosINESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto,Porto, PortugalEmail: {dee09013, amoreira, anibal, dee09025, dee09043}@fe.up.ptAbstract—A new and fast methodology is discussed as asolution to pinpointing the location of a robot, in a robustway, without environment preparation, even in dynamicscenarios. This solution does not require a highcomputational power. The methodology is a threedimensional map based approach, which uses the 3D map ofthe surrounding environment and data acquired by a tiltingLaser Range Finder (LRF), to pinpoint the robot pose.Experimental results about the accuracy of the proposedmethod are presented in this paper. Index Terms— robot localisation, 3D matching, EKF-SLAM,laser range finderI.systematic and uninterruptable inspection routines, withminimum human intervention.The RobVigil, performing a surveillance routine, in ashopping mall is shown in Fig. 1.The LRF – Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 – was used toperceive the environment. To obtain a three-dimensionalsensor, a rotating platform was created based on the dcservo motor, the AX-12 Dynamixel Bioloid. Thecomplete tilting LRF solution is shown in Fig. 2. Thetilting LRF has a distance range of 5 metres and acquires769 points at every 100 milliseconds.INTRODUCTIONTo be truly autonomous, a robot must be able topinpoint their location inside dynamic environments,moving in an unlimited area, without preparation needs.In order to fulfil this definition of autonomy, thefundamental motivation and opportunity of this work,was the implementation of a robust strategy oflocalisation that runs online in a short execution time.The developed approach is a three-dimensional mapbased localisation method, with the objective of solve theproblem of accumulative error when the odometry is used,using the environment infrastructure, without constraintsin terms of the navigation area and with no need ofprepare the environment with artificial landmarks orbeacons.The localisation methodology is divided in thefollowing steps:1) Pre-localisation and mapping, performed offlineand only once, to obtain the map of an indoorenvironment; here it is intended to navigate with a vehicleequipped with an tilting LRF acquiring three-dimensionaldata.2) Localisation which execute the vehicle selflocalisation during its normal operation; this is usedonline using a matching algorithm and the obtainedprevious map.It is applied to the RobVigil robot, a differential drivevehicle, shown in Figure1 called RobVigil.The RobVigil is equipped with sensors to detectdangerous situations, like fires, floods or gas leaks. It isequipped as well with three surveillance cameras. Themain application of the RobVigil is the surveillance ofpublic facilities, i.e. dynamic environments, allowingFigure 1. Left: the RobVigil robot equipped with the tilting LRF at top.Right: the robot performing a surveillance routineAs the localisation algorithm is applied in the RobVigil,which navigates in public facilities, with people andynamic objects crossing the navigation area, only dataand the map about the headroom of the building (upperside-remains static during large periods of time), is usedaiming to improve the methodology accuracy androbustness. Videos and downloads about this threedimensional map based methodology can be found at [1].Figure 2. The tilting LRF developedManuscript received October 25, 2012; revised December 23, 2012.©2013 Engineering and Technology Publishingdoi: 10.12720/joace.1.2.110-114110Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2013II.LITERATURE REVIEWDifferent sensors and techniques for the localisation ofvehicles are described in [2]. These sensors andtechniques are divided into absolute and relativelocalisation.The dead-reckoning are sensors of relative localisationleading to an increase of the error over time. The mostcommonly used is the odometry.Due to their high frequency rate, the dead-reckoningare commonly fused with more complex localisationtechniques or sensors, through probabilistic methods as isexample the Kalman Filters and the Particle Filters, [3].Examples of sensors and techniques of absolutelocalisation are the attitude sensors, digital compasses,the GPS and passive or active beacons. The two essentiallocalisation techniques based on active or passivebeacons are: triangulation and trilateration [4].Unfortunately, this methods require environmentpreparation.The algorithms concerning the localisation of mobilerobots can be divided in two large areas: the matchingand the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM)algorithms.There are matching algorithms that need a priorknowledge about the navigation area, as is example [5].Another example of a matching algorithm is the PerfectMatch described by M. Lauren et al. [6], used in theRobotic Soccer Middle Size League (MSL) at RoboCup.The Perfect Match is a time saver algorithm.There are other types of matching algorithms, whichcompute the overlapping zone between consecutiveobservations to obtain the vehicle displacement, [7]. Themost common SLAMs solutions are: the ExtendedKalman Filter (EKF-SLAM) [8], and the FastSlam/RaoBlackwellized Particle Filters [9].The EKF-SLAM computationally complexity is,while the FastSlam has a lower computational complexity,, with particles and where landmarks.III.PRE-LOCALISATION & MAPPINGThis phase is performed offline and only once, aimingto obtain the 3D occupancy grid of the building where itis intended the RobVigil navigation.The obtained 3D occupancy grid is used before, du ...
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Journal of Automation and Control Engineering Fast 3D map matching localisation algorithm Tilting Laser Range Finder Pinpoint the robot pose Threedimensional map based approachGợi ý tài liệu liên quan:
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