tiếng anh trong kỹ thuật tài nguyên nước (tái bản): phần 2
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phần 2 cuốn sách gồm 2000 thuật ngữ kỹ thuật trong lĩnh vực tài nguyên nước: thủy văn, thủy nông, trạm bơm, hệ thống công trình tưới tiêu, các hạng mục của công trình đầu mối. các thuật ngữ được trình bày dưới dạng khái niệm định nghĩa bằng tiếng anh. phần này giúp cho người đọc hiểu rõ bản chất của các thuật ngữ, từ đó ứng dụng dễ dàng khi đọc và viết các tài liệu có liên quan.
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
tiếng anh trong kỹ thuật tài nguyên nước (tái bản): phần 2 526.<br /> <br /> Aquifer loss (Tổn thát qua tầng chứa nước): The head loss at a pumped or<br /> overflowing well associated with groundwater flow through the aquifer to the well<br /> face.<br /> <br /> 527.<br /> <br /> A q u ifer p ro p erties (C ác đạc tính tần g chứa nước): The properties of an aquifer<br /> that determine its hydraulic behaviour and its response to abstraction.<br /> <br /> 528.<br /> <br /> A q u ita rd (T ầng nước ngầm yếu): It is a formation which has low to medium<br /> permeability which is not sufficient to be a soure of water to flow on a regional<br /> scale, from one aquifer to the other due to leakage. Aquitards behave as semiconfining layers.<br /> <br /> 529.<br /> <br /> A rtesian free flow (Dòng chảy tự do của giếng phun): Natural over ground flow<br /> from well and springs in Ihe artesian basins.<br /> <br /> 530.<br /> <br /> C onfined aq u ifer (T ầng chứa nước có áp): An aquifer bounded above and below<br /> by impermeable beds. Bolh the aquifer and Ihe water it contains are said to be<br /> <br /> 531.<br /> <br /> G ro u n d w a te r b alance (C án bằng nước ngầm ): It is a concept which slates that all<br /> <br /> confined.<br /> inputs of water in a defined space and time are equal to the sum of all outputs of<br /> water, and the changes of water storage, in the same space and time.<br /> 532.<br /> <br /> G ro u n d w a te r basin (Lưu vực nước ngám ): Physiographic or geological unit<br /> containing at least one aquifer of significant area extent.<br /> <br /> 533.<br /> <br /> Im perm eable m aterial (V ật liệu không thấm ): Material that does not permit water<br /> to move through it at a perceptible rate under the hydraulic gradients normally<br /> present.<br /> <br /> 534. In term ed iate zone (V ùng tru n g gian): It is the portion of the zone of aeration<br /> which lies between Ihe soil water zone and the capillary fringe.<br /> 535.<br /> <br /> L eaky aq u ifer (T ầng ngậm nước bán áp): Aquifer overlain and/or underlain by a<br /> relatively thin semi-pervious layer, through which flow into or out of the aquifer can<br /> take place.<br /> <br /> 536.<br /> <br /> N a tu ra l rech arg c (Bổ cạp tự nhiên): It is that portion of water which pravitates to<br /> the zone o f saturation under natural conditions.<br /> <br /> 537.<br /> <br /> P eren n ial sp rin g (M ạch nước quan h năm ): A spring that discharges continuously<br /> in all seasons o f the year.<br /> <br /> 538. P erm eab le m a terial (V ật liệu thấm ): Material that permits water to move through<br /> it at perceptibleTates under the hydraulic gradients normally present.<br /> 539.<br /> <br /> P o ten tio m etric su rface (M ực thủy tĩnh nước ngầm ): The surface that represents<br /> <br /> 540.<br /> <br /> S a tu ra te d zone (V ùng bào lioà): That part of an aquifer, normally beneath the<br /> <br /> Ihe static head of groundwaler.<br /> <br /> deepest water table, in which ideally all voids arc filled with water under pressure<br /> greater than atmospheric.<br /> <br /> 129<br /> <br /> 541.<br /> <br /> Soil water zone (Vùng nước thổ nhuõng): Part of the zone of aeration lhal consuls<br /> of soil and other materials near the ground surface, capable o f discharging water in<br /> to the atmosphere by transpiration of plants or by evaporation. The zooe extends<br /> from the ground surface to major root zone and the thickness varies with the soil<br /> type and vegetation cover.<br /> <br /> 542.<br /> <br /> Cone of water - table depression, or Cone of pumping deression (Nón trflng<br /> nước ngầm hay nón trũng do bơm).<br /> <br /> 543.<br /> <br /> Unconsolidated aq u ifer (T ầng chứa nước không cố kết): An aquifer in which a<br /> water table serves as the upper surface of the zone of saturation.<br /> <br /> 544.<br /> <br /> Zone of fluctuation of water tabic, or Zone of phreatic fluctuations (Vùng dao<br /> dộng đường m ạt nước hay V ùng biến động nước ngầm ): The zone through which<br /> the water table fluctuates from its highest to tile lowest level within the formation, in<br /> response to the discharge and recharge conditions. Depending upon the position of<br /> the water table in the zone, a part of the zone will lie in the zone of aeration and the<br /> other part will lie in the zone of saturation.<br /> <br /> II.1.5. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS - ĐO LƯU LƯỢNG<br /> 545<br /> <br /> O pen C onduit, or O pen channel (Lòng d ẫn hở hay kênh hở): Any conduit in<br /> which water flows wilh a free surface.<br /> <br /> 546.<br /> <br /> D ischarge, or R ate of flow (Lưu lượng hay suất dòng chảy): The volume of water<br /> which flows past a particular cross section of a channel or conduit in a unit of lime.<br /> <br /> 547.<br /> <br /> Dead w ater (Nước tù): Water which is not flowing with a significant velocity.<br /> <br /> ^48.<br /> <br /> S urface slope, Slope, YVaterslope (Độ dốc bề m ặt, độ dốc, độ dốc m ặt nnớc): The<br /> inclination o f Ihe water surface expressed as change o f elevation per unit of slope<br /> length; the sine of Ihe angle which ihe surfacc makes with the horizontal. The<br /> ...
Nội dung trích xuất từ tài liệu:
tiếng anh trong kỹ thuật tài nguyên nước (tái bản): phần 2 526.<br /> <br /> Aquifer loss (Tổn thát qua tầng chứa nước): The head loss at a pumped or<br /> overflowing well associated with groundwater flow through the aquifer to the well<br /> face.<br /> <br /> 527.<br /> <br /> A q u ifer p ro p erties (C ác đạc tính tần g chứa nước): The properties of an aquifer<br /> that determine its hydraulic behaviour and its response to abstraction.<br /> <br /> 528.<br /> <br /> A q u ita rd (T ầng nước ngầm yếu): It is a formation which has low to medium<br /> permeability which is not sufficient to be a soure of water to flow on a regional<br /> scale, from one aquifer to the other due to leakage. Aquitards behave as semiconfining layers.<br /> <br /> 529.<br /> <br /> A rtesian free flow (Dòng chảy tự do của giếng phun): Natural over ground flow<br /> from well and springs in Ihe artesian basins.<br /> <br /> 530.<br /> <br /> C onfined aq u ifer (T ầng chứa nước có áp): An aquifer bounded above and below<br /> by impermeable beds. Bolh the aquifer and Ihe water it contains are said to be<br /> <br /> 531.<br /> <br /> G ro u n d w a te r b alance (C án bằng nước ngầm ): It is a concept which slates that all<br /> <br /> confined.<br /> inputs of water in a defined space and time are equal to the sum of all outputs of<br /> water, and the changes of water storage, in the same space and time.<br /> 532.<br /> <br /> G ro u n d w a te r basin (Lưu vực nước ngám ): Physiographic or geological unit<br /> containing at least one aquifer of significant area extent.<br /> <br /> 533.<br /> <br /> Im perm eable m aterial (V ật liệu không thấm ): Material that does not permit water<br /> to move through it at a perceptible rate under the hydraulic gradients normally<br /> present.<br /> <br /> 534. In term ed iate zone (V ùng tru n g gian): It is the portion of the zone of aeration<br /> which lies between Ihe soil water zone and the capillary fringe.<br /> 535.<br /> <br /> L eaky aq u ifer (T ầng ngậm nước bán áp): Aquifer overlain and/or underlain by a<br /> relatively thin semi-pervious layer, through which flow into or out of the aquifer can<br /> take place.<br /> <br /> 536.<br /> <br /> N a tu ra l rech arg c (Bổ cạp tự nhiên): It is that portion of water which pravitates to<br /> the zone o f saturation under natural conditions.<br /> <br /> 537.<br /> <br /> P eren n ial sp rin g (M ạch nước quan h năm ): A spring that discharges continuously<br /> in all seasons o f the year.<br /> <br /> 538. P erm eab le m a terial (V ật liệu thấm ): Material that permits water to move through<br /> it at perceptibleTates under the hydraulic gradients normally present.<br /> 539.<br /> <br /> P o ten tio m etric su rface (M ực thủy tĩnh nước ngầm ): The surface that represents<br /> <br /> 540.<br /> <br /> S a tu ra te d zone (V ùng bào lioà): That part of an aquifer, normally beneath the<br /> <br /> Ihe static head of groundwaler.<br /> <br /> deepest water table, in which ideally all voids arc filled with water under pressure<br /> greater than atmospheric.<br /> <br /> 129<br /> <br /> 541.<br /> <br /> Soil water zone (Vùng nước thổ nhuõng): Part of the zone of aeration lhal consuls<br /> of soil and other materials near the ground surface, capable o f discharging water in<br /> to the atmosphere by transpiration of plants or by evaporation. The zooe extends<br /> from the ground surface to major root zone and the thickness varies with the soil<br /> type and vegetation cover.<br /> <br /> 542.<br /> <br /> Cone of water - table depression, or Cone of pumping deression (Nón trflng<br /> nước ngầm hay nón trũng do bơm).<br /> <br /> 543.<br /> <br /> Unconsolidated aq u ifer (T ầng chứa nước không cố kết): An aquifer in which a<br /> water table serves as the upper surface of the zone of saturation.<br /> <br /> 544.<br /> <br /> Zone of fluctuation of water tabic, or Zone of phreatic fluctuations (Vùng dao<br /> dộng đường m ạt nước hay V ùng biến động nước ngầm ): The zone through which<br /> the water table fluctuates from its highest to tile lowest level within the formation, in<br /> response to the discharge and recharge conditions. Depending upon the position of<br /> the water table in the zone, a part of the zone will lie in the zone of aeration and the<br /> other part will lie in the zone of saturation.<br /> <br /> II.1.5. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS - ĐO LƯU LƯỢNG<br /> 545<br /> <br /> O pen C onduit, or O pen channel (Lòng d ẫn hở hay kênh hở): Any conduit in<br /> which water flows wilh a free surface.<br /> <br /> 546.<br /> <br /> D ischarge, or R ate of flow (Lưu lượng hay suất dòng chảy): The volume of water<br /> which flows past a particular cross section of a channel or conduit in a unit of lime.<br /> <br /> 547.<br /> <br /> Dead w ater (Nước tù): Water which is not flowing with a significant velocity.<br /> <br /> ^48.<br /> <br /> S urface slope, Slope, YVaterslope (Độ dốc bề m ặt, độ dốc, độ dốc m ặt nnớc): The<br /> inclination o f Ihe water surface expressed as change o f elevation per unit of slope<br /> length; the sine of Ihe angle which ihe surfacc makes with the horizontal. The<br /> ...
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