Ebook Clinical anatomy and physiology for veterinary technicians (3rd edition): Part 2
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Ebook Clinical anatomy and physiology for veterinary technicians (3rd edition): Part 2 The Cardiovascular System 14 Joann Colville OUTLINE INTRODUCTION, 339 ABNORMAL HEART SOUNDS, 351 THE HEART, 340 CARDIAC OUTPUT, 351 Location, 340 BLOOD VESSELS, 352 Size and Shape, 340 Arteries, 352 Coverings of the Heart, 340 Capillaries, 353 Wall of the Heart, 341 Veins, 353 Chambers of the Heart, 341 BLOOD CIRCULATION IN THE FETUS, 354 Valves of the Heart, 343 PULSE, 357 Skeleton of the Heart, 343 Pulse Points, 357 Blood Supply to the Heart, 344 BLOOD PRESSURE, 357 Nerve Supply to the Heart, 344 CARDIOVASCULAR MONITORING, 358 Blood Flow Through the Heart, 345 Electrocardiography, 358 CARDIAC CONDUCTION SYSTEM, 348 Echocardiography, 358 NORMAL HEART SOUNDS, 350 VENIPUNCTURE, 359 LEARNING OBJECTIVES When you have completed this chapter you will be able to: 6. Understand cardiac output and what conditions can 1. Describe the external and internal anatomy of the affect it. heart. 7. Describe the anatomy of arteries, veins, and capillaries 2. Follow the flow of blood through the heart, pulmonary and understand the function of each type of blood circulation, and systemic circulation. vessel. 3. Explain how the heart valves keep blood flowing in the 8. Understand the difference between fetal and newborn proper direction through the heart. circulation. 4. Describe the components of the cardiac conduction 9. Understand the different methods used to evaluate the system and explain how it works to keep the heart cardiovascular system. beating in an organized fashion. 10. Know the common pulse points and venipuncture sites 5. Explain what happens during one cardiac cycle. for common species of animal. VOCABULARY FUNDAMENTALS Afterload ahf-tɘr-lōd Autorhythmic aw-tō-rihth-mihck Aorta ā-ohr-tah Base of heart bās of hahrt Aortic valve ā-ohr-tihck vahlv Bicuspid valve bī-kuhs-pihd vahlv Apex of heart ā-pehcks of hahrt Blood pressure bluhd prehsh-ɘr Arteriole ahr-teer-ē-ōl Bundle of His buhn-duhl of hihs Artery ahr-tɘr-ē Capillary kahp-eh-lahr-ē Atrioventricular node ā-trē-ō-vehn-trihck-ū-lahr nōd Cardiac cycle kahr-dē-ahck sī-kuhl Atrioventricular septum ā-trē-ō-vehn-trihck-ū-lahr Cardiac output kahr-dē-ahck out-puht sehp-tuhm Cardiovascular system kahr-dē-ō-vahsk-ū-lahr sihs-tehm Atrioventricular valve ā-trē-ō-vehn-trihck-ū-lahr vahlv Carotid artery kahr-oht-ihd ahr-tɘr-ē Atrium ā-trē-uhm Cephalic vein seh-fahl-ihck vān Auricle ohr-eh-kuhl Chordae tendonae kohr-dā tehn-duhn-ā Auscultation aws-kuhl-tā-shuhn Coccygeal vein kohck-sehj-ē-ahl vān 338 Coronary artery kohr-ah-nār-ē ahr-tɘr-ē Pericardial fluid peɘr-ih-kahr-dē-ahl floo-ihd Coronary sinus kohr-ah-nār-ē sī-nuhs Pericardial sac peɘr-ih-kahr-dē-ahl sahck Coronary vein kohr-ah-nār-ē vān Pericardial space peɘr-ih-kahr-dē-ahl spās Cusp kuhsp Pericardium peɘr-ih-kahr-dē-uhm Deoxygenated dē-ohck-seh-jeh-nā-tehd Polarization pōl-ɘr-ih-zā-shuhn Depolarization dē-pō-lɘr-ih-zā-shuhn Preload prē-lōd Diastole dī-ahs-stō-lē Pulmonary artery puhl-muh-neɘr-ē ahr-tɘr-ē Diastolic blood pressure dī-ah-stohl-ihck bluhd prehsh-ɘr Pulmonary circulation puhl-muh-neɘr-ē Doppler echocardiography dohp-lɘr sɘr-kyoo-lā-shuhn ehck-ō-kahr-dē-ohg-rah-fē Pulmonary valve puhl-muh-neɘr-ē vahlv Ductus arteriosus duhck-tuhs ahr-teer-ē-ō-suhs Pulse puhls ECHO ehck-ō Pulse wave puhls wāv Echocardiography ehck-ō-kahr-dē-ohg-rah-fē Purkinje fiber system pɘr-kihn-jē fī-bɘr Elastic artery eh-lahs-tihck ahr-tɘr-ē sihs-tehm Electrocardiogram ē-lehck-trō-kahr-dē-ō-grahm QRS complex Q-R-S kohm-plehkx Electrocardiography ē-lehck-trō-kahr-dē-ohg-rah-fē Repolarize rē-pō-lɘr-īz Endocardium ehn-dō-kahr-dē-uhm Saphenous vein sahf-uh-nuhs vān Endothelium ehn-dō-thē-lē-uhm Semilunar valve seh-mē-lū-nɘr vahlv Epicardium ehp-ih-kahr-dē-uhm Serous pericardium seer-uhs peɘr-ih-kahr-dē-uhm Femoral vein fehm-ohr-ahl vān Sinoatrial node sī-nō-ā-trē-ahl nōd Foramen ovale fohr-ā-me ...
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