Ảnh hưởng của môi trường facebook đến dự định mua hàng trực tuyến: Nghiên cứu phỏng vấn nhóm tại Việt Nam
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Ảnh hưởng của môi trường facebook đến dự định mua hàng trực tuyến: Nghiên cứu phỏng vấn nhóm tại Việt Nam INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2020 ICYREB 2020 HOW FACEBOOK COMMERCE’S FEATURES INFLUENCE PURCHASE INTENTION: A FOCUS GROUP STUDY IN VIETNAM ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA MÔI TRƯỜNG FACEBOOK ĐẾN DỰ ĐỊNH MUA HÀNG TRỰC TUYẾN: NGHIÊN CỨU PHỎNG VẤN NHÓM TẠI VIỆT NAM Dr, Phan Thi Phu Quyen, MA. Nguyen Cao Lien Phuoc, MA. Nguyen Minh Tam University of Economics, The University of Danang, Vietnam phuocncl@due.edu.vn Abstract. Facebook commerce, as a relatively new phenomenon, has attracted little research atten- tion. Although Facebook commerce has been gained social networking capabilities and provides characteristics that encourage customers to share their experience, there is a lack of systematic research on Facebook commerce characteristics influence on consumer behavior. The main ob- jective of this study is to thoroughly re-examine the characteristics of Facebook commerce envi- ronment in online shopping. Focus group discussion among Generation Y (ages 18 to 34) is selected as a research method. This study considers four focus groups of Vietnamese consumers in online shopping via Facebook. In our best knowledge, this is the first study that conducts focus group in social commerce environment research. The results re-examine salient dimensions of three main constructs in social commerce environment, such as: content, interaction and network under the Vietnamese consumers. Furthermore, the study explores the mediating role of attitude consumers in the relationship between social commerce features and purchase intention. The findings offer various implications for academic research and practice. Keyword: Facebook commerce environment, content, interaction, network, focus group, Facebook. Tóm tắt Facebook commerce-bán hàng qua mạng xã hội Facebook – đã trở thành từ khóa trong những năm gần đây. Sử dụng nghiên cứu định tính – phỏng vấn nhóm tập trung- để tìm ra mô hình các đặc điểm Facebook tác động đến hành vi mua hàng. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã cung cấp tiền đề về tác động của một số đặc điểm Facebook tới thái độ và hành vi mua sắm của người Việt, và từ đó cần các nghiên cứu định lượng để kiểm tra lại mô hình. Từ khóa: môi trường thương mại trên Facebook, nội dung, tương tác, kết nối, phỏng vấn nhóm, Facebook. 1. Introduction Social media, which combine user-generated content with social networking features, un- 735 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS IN ECONOMICS & BUSINESS 2020 ICYREB 2020 leash the opportunities to create a new business model that provides several social aspects to at- tract customers. The evolution of social media and network has led to a new paradigm of e-com- merce called social commerce (s-commerce) (Zhang et al., 2014). Social commerce generally refers to online commerce applications for the enhancement of users’ interactions in e-commerce (Hajli et al., 2017). A recent survey has found that nearly 83% respondents tend to share shopping information with their online friends, and almost 67% of the respondents would make their pur- chase decision based on the recommendation from online friends (Marsden, 2013). Undoubtedly, businesses need to actively get caught up the opportunities of such technologies for doing com- merce (Mikalef et al., 2017). Amazon and eBay are two typical examples that successfully used social commerce to change their market position and enhance their business, like Facebook (Hajli, 2015). An understanding of the process and uniqueness of how consumers behave in this setting can help companies to explore the power of social commerce. Thus, there is a necessity to exam- ine how these features shape commerce and consumer conduct (Mikalef et al., 2017). Additionally, a large percentage of firms have perceived social media as an advertising tool on the internet, but not realizing that these platforms were designed for users and thus any efforts to market on them is out of their control (Mikalef et al., 2013). Due to the lack of well-defined social media strategy and the neglect of consumer needs, a company fails in their social commerce (e.g. Walmart). Supporting this, Li (2017) connected social commerce features and supported its critically in influencing effectiveness. However, little is known about how social media platform should be designed to optimize the customer experience (Park et al., 2014). Unlike traditional e- commerce where consumers interact with online shopping sites separately, social commerce pro- vides online communities that support user interactions and user – generated content, which contain the unique characteristics of the platforms prompt companies’ actions (Zhang & Beny- oucef, 2016). Several recent studies have made initial steps to better understand the effectiveness of social commerce environment following to nothing two major mainstreams. The first mainstream fo- cuses on the direct impact of the features of social platform characteristics (Park et al., 2014, Mikalef et al., 2017). Another mainstream focuses on the effect of social commerce platform on consumer behavior (Li, 2017). Past studies have yet to provide a holistic view of the social com- merce environment stimuli, which can affect the internal psychological processes leading to con- sumer behavioural intention (Luqman et al., 2017). Many issues on how customers use characteristics of social media platform and what facilities or hinders customer’s use of social commerce environment remain practically dissolve (Li, 2017). Huang and Benyoucef (2013) ex- plor ...
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